Palmetto Railways Camp Hall Rail

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Community Resources

Rail Safety

It is important to stay vigilant, alert and aware near all railroad tracks and trains. Think safety first and always expect a train, even if you cannot see or hear one. For more, read below on rail safety and how to prevent tragedies.

  • The train you see is closer and faster moving than you think
  • Be aware that trains cannot stop quickly
  • Never drive around lowered gates. This is illegal and could be deadly
  • Do not get trapped on the tracks. Proceed through a rail crossing only if you are sure you can completely clear the crossing without stopping
  • Always expect a train. Freight trains do not follow set schedules

  • Walking on or beside railroad tracks is illegal
  • The only safe place to cross tracks is at designated public crossings with a crossbuck, flashing lights, or a gate
  • Never pass flashing lights or walk around lowered gates
  • Wait to cross until you can see clearly in both directions. Multiple tracks may mean multiple trains
  • Do not ever attempt to hop aboard railroad equipment. Never climb on, under, or through railroad cars

  • Train tracks are private property. Trains have the right-of-way 100% of the time
  • Assume that the tracks are in use, even if the tracks are rusty or weeds are present
  • Modern trains are quieter than ever
  • Trains can move in either direction at any time
  • Obey all warning signs, flashing lights, and signals

Other rail safety resources:

Environmental Process

Palmetto Railways conducted environmental studies in the project area. Following the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process with the Surface Transportation Board and the US Army Corps of Engineers, Palmetto Railways completed an environmental report including an alternatives analysis with an evaluation of the impacts of each alternative, and identified a preferred alternative for the rail line. The report can be viewed by clicking the button below.

Read Assessment

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